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What Every CEO Should Know About Their Data and Why They Should Care

Written by Matt Sharrers | Apr 25, 2021 5:00:00 AM

CEOs often get lost in data while trying to decide what's working, if there is too much, or if it's even correct. But even great data is futile if not activated properly across commercial functions.

On today's show, Mike Dickerson, CEO of ClickDimensions, joins us to discuss how CEOs should be thinking about their data and the processes that go with it. By owning the data, CEOs will not only have clearer visibility into the complete operation but also a unified fact base to run an unmatched commercial strategy.

Click here for the full podcast version of this interview.

Leading With a Data-First Mindset

  1. What data CEOs should care about and how often. minute 3:49
  2. How to ensure your data is accurate and clean. minute 6:31
  3. How to reach buyers through the noise. minute 14:29
  4. Achieving cross-functional alignment on data consistently. minute 16:20
  5. The impact of data on the CEO role. minute 18:56

Skip to minute 9:07 to hear Mike share how CEOs should be managing cadence in their organization:

"How you look at it as a CEO? And I think right now, it's a really good question to sort of dive into what should a CEO be looking at right now in this? Which isn't that operational level. The CEO should be looking at, 'How do I adjust my investment mix? How do I get more money to the top of the funnel? How do I, in this moment, focus on those customers where there actually is potential to generate money?' And I think the couple of the big things that we look to that are definitely in the CEO's camp, unifying sales and marketing. The alignment of polite friends between sales and marketing that doesn't work anymore with the need for efficiency and with the need for a seamless customer experience. And that is not going to happen on its own. The CEO's going to need to be involved in that unification."