4 Techniques to Embed Video to Sell to Key Executives

1 Apr 22

One of the most effective techniques a rep can use to sell to key executives is to engage with the executive using personalized video.

Targeting and gaining access to key executives is challenging, yet we’ve all been told we need to do it in order to be more strategic and sell larger deals.

It turns out, selling to key executives might be even more critical today than ever. According to research by Chorus.ai – key executives are 86% more likely to join a sales conversation today than before the pandemic (likely because it’s easier to join in a virtual meeting room, and they scrutinize all investments closely these days).

On the other hand, the same study indicated that win rates could go up by 38% if the sales professional can engage the executive early in the sale cycle. 38%!

So, there’s every reason to do it, but unfortunately, the same executives we are targeting are bombarded by more emails, calls, and LinkedIn messages than ever. Most sales professionals are at a loss about how to cut through the noise.

Past techniques they have used may no longer be effective.

So, what if there was a way to increase our chances of getting access and advancing your deals with key execs?

One of the most effective techniques a rep can use to sell to key executives is to tailor their messaging and engage with the executive using personalized video.

Many reps have tried video, but when they don’t get the results they are hoping for, they quickly lose interest in this technique and try something else. The problem is that they are using video as if it was just an enhanced cold-calling technique – they aren’t using video strategically throughout the sales process.

Here are four techniques for embedding video into your selling process to better engage with key executives, following the key steps of our Selling to Key Executives process: Research, Access, Meet, and Propose.

1) Research

Regardless of your approach to selling to key executives, the process needs to start with in-depth research. This goes deeper than typical call planning and should include the following areas at a minimum:

  • Industry
  • Company
  • Person

This research aims to identify compelling pieces of information that are unique to this individual and company that you can work into your initial messaging and outreach.

Once you’ve completed your research, you can then use a personalized outbound video to answer the following questions in your initial video:

  • What problem can you help them solve?
  • What business value can you bring to the organization?

2) Access

Using video can be an effective way of gaining access to key executives. The key to this technique is to ensure the video is short, highly engaging, and personalized to a specific business problem that you can help address.

Some of the specific access strategies you can use in your initial video include:

  • Highlight a referral, and why they suggest the key executive should meet with you
  • Provide an insight about their business that will get their attention
  • Create a compelling event such as an executive-to-executive briefing, free training session, or seminar that you can invite them to attend

3) Meet

Personalized video isn’t just valuable for booking the first meeting. It can also be highly effective to use as an outbound video before and after a meeting with a key executive.

Specifically, you can use video to:

  • Share key goals before and after the meeting
  • Follow up on your demo or presentation to recap and next steps

4) Propose

Once you’ve accessed and met with a key executive, it’s essential to continue to nurture the relationship. Video can be precious for staying in front of the executive decision-makers and tailoring your messaging to key roles.

One study suggested that using video in sending proposals can improve win rates by 41%

Specifically, you can use video in the “proposal” stage to:

  • Provide an overview of your value proposition personalized to each stakeholder
  • As a clever way to respond to an objection or question after the meeting
  • As a way of to track who views/forwards your proposal


There is every reason to engage executives in the sales process. Cutting through the noise, gaining a key executive’s attention, and continuing to involve them throughout the sales process is a top priority for a strategic sale. Leveraging video in creative ways during the Research, Access, Meet, and Propose phases can dramatically improve your chances of winning.

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