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Thrive selling remotely

Skills, tools, and strategies developed for account executives, account managers, inside sales representatives to thrive selling remotely. 

Virtual Selling is here to stay

Even before the pandemic, selling was moving to digital channels. But the "new normal" caused by COVID-19 has pushed even field sales teams to adapt to selling virtually. A recent Gartner study expects that by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions will occur in digital channels. The Virtual Selling program teaches sales professionals how to connect and build relationships with customers—and keep them engaged virtually!

Your Sales Team Will Learn How to:

  • Make a personal connection and build relationships virtually
  • Use top tools and techniques for creating the perfect virtual environment
  • Deliver an engaging virtual sales presentation
  • Keep a virtual call organized when team selling

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New skills turn into lasting habits because reinforcement is built-in

Effective training is a process, not a one-time event. Our virtual selling program includes post-training reinforcement sessions, job aids, and tools to ensure real-world skills application and adoption. 

Instead of getting info that's forgotten after a few weeks, our customized sales training programs help you create lasting behavioral change that measurably improves sales performance.


If you have a large sales organization, an internal training department, or are rapidly growing, the Virtual Selling program can be licensed and delivered using your own facilitators. Under our flexible, cost-effective license terms, you can customize, repurpose, and deliver the curriculum whenever and as often as you like. Sales Readiness Group also supports your internal trainers with a Train-the-Trainer certification program on how to deliver this virtual sales program, including how to facilitate the program.

What Our Clients are Saying

Industry Leading Sales Training Company

SRG featured clients range from Fortune 500 companies to mid-sized businesses across all industries. We have numerous client success stories that demonstrate our willingness to understand your business and implement programs that focus on the right skills and behaviors that impact results. SRG has been included in Selling Power’s Magazine's Top Sales Training Companies list for over a decade.

SRG Selling Power - Top Sales Training Companies 2024

Isn’t it time your whole team was consistently making quota?

We’ll show you how to turn them into top performers.

Schedule a sales training consultation. We'll contact you within 24 hours (or on the following business day).


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