Episode 6: Big Returns from Customer Success


Companies should never underestimate the value of customer success, which can significantly increase upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Invest in your customers, and your customers will invest in you.

In this episode, SBI Senior Partner and TMT Practice Leader, Tony Erickson talks with symplr CEO, BJ Schaknowski and President, Nicole Rogas to learn how the provider of enterprise healthcare operations software and services succeeded in building a large, consolidated brand with a focus on customer success.

Key talking points:

  • How symplr continues to tell a consolidated brand story after 15 acquisitions

  • The payoff of heavily investing in customer success, which reduces churn

  • Hiring the right go-to-market talent that aligns with the company’s GTM strategy


  • EP 3 - Tony Erickson

    Tony Erickson

    Senior Partner & TMT Practice Leader at SBI


  • BJ Schaknowski

    BJ Schaknowski

    CEO at symplr


  • Nicole President

    Nicole Rogas

    President at symplr