Delivering Value to Executives: Avoiding Pitfalls and Driving Business Outcomes


In this Sales Readiness Podcast episode, our host Ray Makela, Managing Director, is joined by Sarah Bedwell, SBI Executive Consultant, to share firsthand experiences and insights on selling to the C-suite, a process that requires a different mindset and a tailored approach. Selling to executives presents a unique dynamic, and Ray and Sarah walk through tactics to deliver value at every step of the process.   

For many sellers, gaining access to executives can feel like an uphill battle. Despite these challenges the two highlight the importance of C-suite conversations to drive deals forward and uncover additional opportunities that lower-level conversations might miss.  

Key Takeaways: 

  • Common pitfalls to avoid including asking endless questions without providing strategic insight.  

  • Using RAMP as a structured approach to meeting key executives.  

  • Identifying when to approach the C-Suite in order to maximize value and avoid wasting their time.  


  • Untitled (6)

    Ray Makela

    Managing Director, Talent Development at SBI


  • Untitled (5)

    Sarah Bedwell

    Executive Consultant at SBI