Sales Management Training
"Working with SRG is truly a collaboration. The SRG team worked to ensure that any modifications we requested were evaluated and incorporated into the training program.”
Manufacturing Company
Global Sales Training Executive
What objective did you have in mind that led you to seek outside help and SRG specifically?
We identified that our sales managers were all uniquely talented but had been placed in their positions having vastly different backgrounds and experiences. Therefore, we lacked uniformity across global regions, product lines, and individuals in how we, as a Company, approached sales coaching and management. Given the importance of developing our sales teams and creating a standard that we could institutionalize across all sales managers, we sought out a training partner that could jumpstart this initiative.
The goal was to provide skills, tools, and a process for our sales managers to follow that would refine sales coaching activities. At the same time, we wanted to allow our managers to incorporate their own style, and respect cultural differences since this is a global initiative. As such, we were seeking a sales coaching program that was agnostic to the varied sales training approaches our sales managers may be using, while also looking to establish a corporate standard that would allow us to view opportunities and challenges similarly.
Why did you choose SRG’s OnDemand High-Impact Sales Coaching program?
SRG’s OnDemand offering fit the key requirements of our Sales Coaching initiative. It allowed a globally dispersed, remotely located, sales management team to complete significant portions of the training as a self-paced offering. At the same time, it provided a cadence for implementation that involved ongoing interaction with their respective sales teams. We also found that the program was effective not only for our internal sales team members but also in managing our third-party dealer network.
What’s it like to work with SRG?
Working with SRG is truly a collaboration. The SRG team worked to ensure that any modifications we requested were evaluated and incorporated into the training program. They are also extremely responsive and made themselves available to discuss program content, implementation, and to share best practices. I was also impressed with how SRG has continued to engage with us after the sale by providing valuable advice and insights on how to apply and adopt the key concepts and techniques learned in the Sales Coaching program.