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Comprehensive Sales Management 

"The SRG training focused on accountability rather than emotions, and we felt the training could have an immediate impact on our business."

Bud Williams

LIDS Team Sports is now BSN Sports
Senior Manager of Personnel Development


What objective did you have in mind that led you to seek outside help?

LIDS Team Sports is growing very rapidly. Our field supervisors need to be prepared to manage their teams to achieve our growth objectives. As a result, investing in the right sales management training program was essential. Providing our managers with the skills to effectively manage growth, develop their teams, and provide ongoing coaching were our primary objectives.

Why did you choose SRG over other options?

Having sat in on an SRG sales management webinar, we felt the program would meet our needs with limited customization. The training focused on accountability rather than emotions, and we felt the training could have an immediate impact on our business. Additionally, SRG took the time to understand our business through in-depth interviews, provided us with excellent references, and professionally managed the entire process.

Now that you’ve worked with SRG, can you summarize the experience?

Since our team is highly distributed, we selected SRG’s live virtual classroom option which allowed us to deliver the training as a series of 2-hour live online sessions over the course of seven weeks. This worked great for our managers during a busy time of year. In many ways, SRG operated like an “extension of LIDs” – delivering the training program with our full support.


What benefits have you seen from the training?

Everyone involved was open and receptive. The interaction between managers and sales team helped us identify and consistently apply best practices. The training also helped us assess strengths and areas for improvement. Our team very much enjoyed the training experience, and SRG provided us with the skills and tools to improve our overall sales effectiveness.

About LIDS Team Sports

The mission of LIDS Team Sports is to provide customers with the highest quality sports uniforms, custom apparel, footwear and equipment at a competitive price, while providing unparalleled customer service. LIDS Team Sports is a full service team dealer offering customized sports uniforms and apparel, footwear and equipment. Specializing in custom screen-printing and embroidery, LIDS Team Sports has built a national reputation for providing creative and quality customization since opening its doors in 1990.

Isn’t it time your whole team was consistently making quota?

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