Live Virtual Sales Training
"During our training, you could see how involved our team was – they were really working hard at it. And that is exactly what we were looking for.”
Ollie Richards
VP Sales Development
Why did you choose SRG vs. other options?
SRG representatives took us through a part of the curriculum. We were interested in it being done virtually - time is money when it comes to sales people, but we were skeptical about conducting soft skills training over the internet. We thought the sample course was well done and we decided to launch the virtual training with a pilot group. The pilot group contained both senior sales people and newbies and, across the board, people stayed engaged in the training. They felt it really helped them, which definitely makes it a success! We’re planning to continue this training with other Maritz sales groups.”
What kind of training did you do with SRG?
“We implemented SRG’s Comprehensive Selling Skills training program. It consists of a series of six workshops taking us through the sales process from finding customers to closing them.”
What’s it like to work with SRG?
“It is very easy to work with SRG. Their people are very helpful and responsive. I have found everyone I’ve been in contact with to be quick to respond. They work very hard to make sure that the training meets your expectations. I am very impressed with their service levels.”
Where might SRG have surprised you in the value & insights provided?
“I put a lot of stock in the reaction from our sales people. In my experience, they tend to not pay attention when they’re not engaged. The SRG virtual training sessions are interactive enough to tell if the participants are drifting off. During our training, you could see how involved our team was – they were really working hard at it. And that is exactly what we were looking for.”
About Maritz Inc.
Our business consists of three areas of focus: Loyalty and motivation, research, and business travel. Loyalty and Motivation – we encourage customers to buy more and employees to work smarter. Research – we are leaders in customer satisfaction research. Travel – we’re one of the world’s largest travel companies for business travel. My job is to develop our sales teams into better sales professionals through effective training.