Creating a Coaching Culture & Why It Matters With Your Sales Rep

16 Feb 12

Focusing on missed results can lead to a toxic work culture for sales reps. Learn how to drive better results by creating a coaching culture.

Many managers get so immersed in tracking past performance that they neglect to focus on how they can improve the effectiveness of their teams. As a result, they focus their discussions with sales reps on missed results instead of coaching their sales reps on how they can become more effective salespeople.

Creating a coaching culture begins at the top with a clear message that management’s role is to support, develop, and empower sales people. This message allows sales managers to begin a series of positive discussions that focus on how reps can improve going forward, as opposed to a critique of historical performance. A key aspect of this message is that everyone has room for improvement so coaching should not be seen as something that is seen as remedial for reps who are underperforming.

Instead, we can look to the sports world as an example where even the top performers seek ongoing coaching (as an example, pro golfers are always looking to improve their swing). Setting the tone for a positive coaching culture is the first step in implementing an ongoing coaching program that improves sales force effectiveness. The second step is implementing programs that help front line managers develop coaching skills so they can effectively coach their reps.

By creating a coaching culture where coaching is an ongoing part of a sales reps development, sales organizations can implement highly effective coaching programs that improve sales results.

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