Investing on Sales Training to Set Up Inside Sales for Success

1 Jul 11

Learn how to increase long-term inside sales success by developing the skills needed to sell these complex solutions.

Inside sales is becoming increasingly sophisticated and the preferred method of selling for many products and services that were traditionally sold by field based reps. The key driver of this shift to inside sales success has been advances in technology.

Faster internet connections, easy-to-use virtual meeting platforms, sophisticated sales automation software as well as a host of other sales enablement technologies are all making inside sales teams more productive. Moreover, customers are now becoming accustomed to making complex buying decisions over the phone without ever seeing the sales professional.

Historically, inside sales teams were deployed for limited sales functions such as lead qualification, appointment setting, account management, and transaction processing. With today’s technologies, inside sales teams are now able to sell more complex products and services over the phone. And given the expense associated with field reps, it is no wonder that inside sales teams have been growing.

While we see this shift continuing, long-term sales success will depend not on technology but on these teams developing the requisite selling skills needed to effectively sell these increasingly complex solutions.

Based on our work with clients, we believe the answer to this question is a resounding “yes” provided sales organizations invest in training programs that help these inside sales professionals develop consultative selling skills, and implement coaching programs that support their ongoing development.

Fundamentally, Inside Sales Professionals success in closing more complex sales will be based on the skills and knowledge that allow them to be viewed by clients as trusted advisors that can add value throughout the entire sales process.


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